Jack Clark Insurance Services, Inc.
445 Fifth Street
Solvang, CA 93463

Fax: 805-688-1344

Joshua Clark's Profile and Contact Information

Joshua Clark
Joshua Clark
Image of email address of Joshua Clark Agent
Jack Clark Insurance Services, Inc.
Office Number (805) 688-7929
Alternate Number (805) 234-6669
Fax Number (805) 688-1344
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I was born and raised in Solvang in the beautiful Santa Ynez valley. I am excited to be a part of our family owned business and provide our services to all of the people that make this area so wonderful. I have a BA degree from California State University Northridge in Political Science and an extensive resume of providing top tier sales and customer service in a variety of industries. When I am not working with my father at our insurance office you can catch me riding my bike, looking through my vinyl collection and playing with my two cats Jacobean and Katinka.